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Counseling Services

The GA Counseling Department has 4 full-time and 1 part-time psychologists and counselors serving Lower, Middle, 高年级学生, faculty, staff, and parents.

Committed to the development of resiliency skills and social and emotional growth, GA咨询部门专注于心理教育, consultation, prevention, intervention, treatment, and referrals. Assistance is offered for a wide variety of issues including relationship difficulties, emotional conflicts, 友谊和家庭问题, time management, conflict resolution, 减少压力和焦虑. 所有的咨询联系都是保密的. Only in the unlikely event that an individual presents a danger to self or others or is at risk for harm will private information be judiciously shared, 然后只是为了保护和安全. 在危机情况下,总是征求父母的意见.



本网站所载资料仅供教育用途. 本网站不提供心理诊断, treatment, or advice, and should not be used as a substitute for direct contact between an individual and a mental health provider. The opinions expressed by individual authors and site links do not necessarily represent the opinions of Germantown Academy but are provided as a service to those seeking information about psychological issues.

Dr. Andrea Kurtz
Germantown Academy
340 Morris Road

How We Help

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